Sunday, October 7, 2012


"A lot of what we seem to be doing... is actually getting design out of the way. And I think when forms develop with that sort of reason and they are not just arbitrary shapes, it feels almost inevitable. It feels almost undesigned."

Basically that is my idol explaining how I intend to approach work and life. Everything with reason, not arbitrary, such that it seems almost inevitable.

At the end he goes "That's quite obsessive, isn't it" and chuckles, which makes me explode into a million smiley pieces.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Work hard, have fun, no drama.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


C and I were talking about our poor employability.

Me: My goal right now is to be a manager of a fast food restaurant in a few years.

C: Oh please, my goal right now is burger flipper.

Me: That's what we'll start out as. We can be colleagues.

C: Maybe I'm such a klutz that no one will even consider me for that. Such bleak prospects.

Me: Can you count money? You can take orders. During lunch hour we'll get free set meals and eat.

C: Our only consolation.

Me: I hope upsizes are part of the employee benefits.

C: I hope we get Happy Meal toys.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Previously, on

Today I met up with S and B.

S brought up the subject of blogs, which prompted me to re-read his blog. I remember my ridiculous and cryptic posts, which were essentially emotional dribble with loads and loads of metaphors and aliases (to obscure the persons I was referencing). 

They were so bad and cringeworthy that I deleted them all on impulse. Multiple times. They were awful, and I was consistent. Also I had these massive personality and philosophical swings (S called them phases) that made me want to restart my blog each time. My last phase change was in 2010. The one before that was in 2008. The math point to this blog self-destructing this year, which I really hope will not happen because I'm getting a little too old for this sort of stuff. 

Right now I'm listening to some of my favourite songs of ages past (e.g. Mandy Moore, Avril Lavigne), and after meeting S and B it feels like this is a good place to start my blog again. There's a kind of continuation. Like a television series that got picked up again after a few years and is starting the new season with the original theme songs and characters. 

I had racked my head trying to think of a direction for this blog. I decided that I'd just do it my usual way. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I am going to start blogging.